Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

Unitarian Universalists at Arlington National Cemetery

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During my time in Washington DC these past few months, I spent a few days shadowing the chaplains at Arlington National Cemetery. During a break, I went for a walk among some of the markers, and was surprised to see three chalice markers in a very small area.

Of everyone in our denomination, I should not have been surprised. I have visited over 40 congregations in the last few years, preached in many of them, and had wonderful conversations with the veterans in each of those churches. I know that there are many veterans of military service in our pews. It should not have surprised me that there would be many chalices represented among the markers at Arlington National Cemetery, but it did.

So, I went back over the next two weekends with a camera to document as many UU markers as I could. What I found surprised even me. I was surprised at the number of Colonels are among the ranks of the UU’s interred at Arlington. I was surprised at the number of dual faith symbol markers. I was surprised by one of the names I discovered.

When I turned and saw the marker for Rev. Lewis McGee, one of my inspirations to the ministry and the military chaplaincy.

So, I have put together an online memorial of some of our Unitarian Universalists interred at Arlington National Cemetery. I know that I was only able to cover a small part of the grounds, and so if you have any photos of your loved ones internment at Arlington you would like included in this memorial, please send them to me at david@celestiallands.org.

Yours in Faith,


4 Thoughts on “Unitarian Universalists at Arlington National Cemetery

  1. Happy Independence Day David!

    Here is a little 4th of July gift in honor of your First Nations heritage.

  2. Patrick McLaughlin on Sunday July 5, 2009 at 13:55 +0000 said:

    Thank you, David.

  3. Pingback: Soldiers and War Memorials | Celestial Lands

  4. Pingback: I’m a Liberal and I’m a Patriot who Loves God… Deal with It! | Celestial Lands

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