Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

5 Thoughts on “It Does Not Feel Like a Victory

  1. And yes… for those who have not been to Ft. Jackson… that is a picture from atop Victory Tower…

    Yours in faith,

    Rev. David

  2. Choosing between the practice of their faith and service as a Chaplain – thank you for stating the fact of that struggle so clearly.

  3. I had a similar reaction in that my first thoughts were not to celebrate but to think of all the GLBTQ service members that now have a decision to make. I suspect it is no where near “safe” to expose yourself and there life of fear and hiding will continue. Women have not been truly accepted and they have proven there ability. I suspect it will be a long time before this dream becomes a reality. The good news is that the door to that dream has been opened.

  4. I thought Obama’s choice of a young enlisted Marine discharged under DADT as an observer at the signing an awfully poor choice. The young man made a point of saying his partner was an active duty Major and my first thought was enforcing fraternization rules. I’m optimistic the services will handle this well, but there’s always the potential of a big goof up.

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