Now, I know I say that I write the Celestial Lands Blog for myself, and for my own spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and theological development… but that does not mean I do not check out the site statistics on a regular basis. Over the past week or so, I have noted quite a few new visitors coming from California, and I can only surmise that these are mostly members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura, California… where I will be serving as the Assistant Minister beginning in August.
So “To all who see these presents, Greetings!” Welcome to my liberal faith blog. Sandy and I are looking forward to our visit with you at the end of January, and to our arriving to be with you in August. I look forward to sitting down with you and getting to know you in person. However, if there are any burning thoughts about what I have written here, please do not hesitate to ask or comment just because we have yet to meet face to face.
You see, here at the UU Fellowship of Midland Michigan, the congregation regularly includes my articles at Celestial Lands as a part of the life of our congregation, by talking about them or asking me questions about them (or by telling me they think I have lost my mind.) In fact, quite a bit of what I write is inspired by the congregations I serve, as both UUFOM and the Unitarian Church of Evanston can attest.
So, this is just a quick note to say “Welcome!” and I’m looking forward to the opportunity to meet you on Sunday, January 30th.
Yours in Faith,
Rev. David