Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

3 Thoughts on “Bearing Witness or Smug Paternalism?

  1. Patrick McLaughlin on Saturday October 1, 2011 at 11:03 +0000 said:

    Doing justice is almost never about doing things for (or about) yourself. People went to Selma and marched because that is what they were asked to come and do. There was no going there and asking people to arrange marches for us to participate in. Privilege is about it being about you and what you want and need. Or “need.”

  2. Forgive me for being cynical Patrick, but it seems to me that privileged UUs do in fact want and need one or two things for themselves out of this issue. I will allow you to enter into a free and responsible search for just what UUA leaders like President Peter Morales and UUA Moderator Gini Courter want and need for themselves as individuals and for the UU church more generally. . .

  3. I think this is an opportunity to experiment and challenge ourselves with something different. It may not satisfy everyone, however, I think our denomination will be able to have a impact and also learn valuable lesson for the future. I think the list of “like and wishes” at the end of this process will be long and that is a good thing. A ship turns slowly or it sinks.

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