Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

Tag Archives: Celestial Lands Journal

In Each Ending there is a Beginning

We have closed another year here at Celestial Lands, and I want to thank all of those who read and send me comments, both in public through the blog and in private through my email. I keep this website because it is important to me… it is a place for Read more →

“A Year in the Celestial Lands”

I have a few friends and family members who wanted to read some of what I write, but who did not want to read the blog, and so for Christmas last year I put together a PDF file of some of my articles and sermons from 2008. I printed and Read more →

A Momentous Moment…

I had a goal for this holiday season… and when I set the goal I had no idea where it would take me. The goal was to find a way to add a “Wayside Pulpit” to the Celestial Lands website. I thought it would be very simple… just a web Read more →