I have intentionally not written anything about the recent mass shooting at Ft. Hood, committed by an Army Psychiatrist, because I did not want to jump to any conclusions. We still do not know enough to draw any conclusions save one… soldiers saved other soldier’s lives that day. I am … Read more →
Tag Archives: Inspiration
Mr Cornet Wales
In a time in which the leaders of nations ask their countries to send sons and daughters to war, it is so often the case that the sons and daughters of those leaders are insulated from that service. He had every reason not to go. Third in line to the … Read more →
Votes, Volunteers, or Vision?
A friend recently told me (by commenting in this blog, no less) about an email that she read on one of her church email lists concerning the religious background of one of the current presidential candidates. The email was apparently a smear about whether that particular candidate was really a … Read more →
What inspires?
A friend of mine wrote to me today, someone I have been doing some theological exploration with on the topic of inspiration. Just what inspires someone? How is it that some people can inspire thousands to wonderful works in the world, while others spend their lives in activism that reaches only … Read more →