Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

Tag Archives: Obama

President Obama is Not a Liberal Socialist… I Am

I promised myself that I would not move into my “occasional political musings” this election season until after the conventions were over.  Well, the speeches in Charlotte and Tampa are done, and now I feel that there are some things that I have to say… President Obama is not a Read more →


I love politics.  I love politics the way other people love football.  I watch 24 hour news channels in political seasons the way other people watch ESPN.  The minor of my Bachelor’s degree is in Political Science (Major in History), and I would describe my knowledge of practical politics by Read more →

Tofu Causes Dementia!

I don’t like tofu. I’ve tried to eat it and it actually makes me gag. When I was dating, I suffered through several tofu laden meals for a particular liberal-leaning young woman I was attempting to woo… until I realized that if it worked out I would have to eat Read more →

Thank You, America

  I simply want to say this…  Thank you America, for my new Commander-in-Chief. I know, I have till wait to January to unwrap him… But it’s exactly what I wanted…  Merry Christmas Yours in Faith, David

How Far Will We Go?

When I heard that a young woman, a McCain campaign volunteer, was allegedly attacked by someone who beat her up and scratched a B on her cheek, I felt my heart drop. In large part, it was out of sympathy for the young woman, because no one deserves to be Read more →

Now I’m Really Concerned

It might come as a surprise to some of you now, or who know me now, but for years I was an avid listener and dare I say fan of right wing talk radio. In my office and workshop I nearly forced my crew to listen to Rush, G Gordon, Read more →

The Privacy of Politicians

It’s possible I am going to ruffle some feathers with this post, and I know I have been more focused on politics than on liberal faith this past few weeks. It’s that time in the political year. And, there is a parallel to life in the ministry that I think Read more →

Across this Nation

This week, my wife and I drove from the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago to the town of Cullman Alabama, between Huntsville and Birmingham, to visit family. Specifically, we were there to visit her sister and brother-in-law, and her two nephews. It was a good visit, even if I thought Read more →

A Vision of Fear or of Hope?

Last night, as I listened to the speech of Barrack Obama acknowledging his clinching the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of the President of the United States. As a preacher, I am always fascinated by his ability to gather an audience together, and bring them along with Read more →