Our common conception of how Veterans share a the same experinece of combat is belied by the way that combat actions and environments have evolved over the last 70 years. There is no generalized understanding of what a Veteran is. … Read more →
Tag Archives: Veterans
Memorials in the Rain
Many of you know that I am currently in Washington DC on “Active Duty for Training” (ADT). I am actually at Ft. McNair at the National Defense University, doing some research on Spirituality and Military Ethics. Right down the street from my Visitors Quarters are the barracks and the HQ … Read more →
They Just Fade Away: Veteran’s Day Sermon
For Veteran’s Day, I am posting to Celestial Lands my Veterans Day sermon from last year… I hope it inspires thought. This past summer, I had the honor and privilege to attend the retirement ceremony of the senior military chaplain of our Unitarian Universalist faith, Chaplain Colonel, the Reverend Vernon … Read more →