I had every intent of writing a blog article or two while I was at the District Assembly of the Central Midwest District of the UUA, but as staff I was rather busy, and never found the time. In truth, on Saturday night I fell asleep in my room and missed the dinner, and also apparently missed a certificate of appreciation I was supposed to receive.Though I have attended many District Assemblies in two different districts, this was my first time to do so as staff. My main role was to keep the technology running, and to record workshops and events to become podcasts on the CMWD website. Only one is up so far, the keynote address by Sharon Daloz Parks. I will be editing and posting the others over the next week. I also want to thank Gretchen Ohmann and the rest of our volunteer media team for taking pictures and recording workshops.
It was wonderful meeting the many great UU’s from our district, and I am looking forward to visiting and preaching at several of the congregations who were generic sumatriptan effective represented at the event. I even was able to meet several members of Unitarian Church North in Mequon, Wisconsin, where I will be preaching in July. It was wonderful to also talk with several fellow UU bloggers, and to put faces and stories to the ideas that the internet brings us all.
I know that one day, not too long from now, I might find myself to be the only UU minister (or even the only UU) on a particular continent, as a deployed military chaplain. When I spend a weekend at a District Assembly, or preaching at a congregation, I am storing up stories and fellowship to hold me through those times when there are no UU’s to fellowship with, no one to share with or listen to. So, I want to thank everyone I met this weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all again.
Yours in Faith,
Lovely to see you too.