Spirit of Life, To you we consecrate our silent tears,
For the memory of all of those who have fallen in war,
For the lives of families broken by loss,
For the spirits of those who live with the memories every day,
For the loss of our innocence.
Spirit of Life, To you we consecrate our silent tears,
For the innocent victims of the evil of war,
For the destruction we visit upon the miracle of life,
For the fear that is spread by the sounds of battle,
For the creation of children with haunted eyes.
Spirit of Life, To you we consecrate our silent tears,
For the young men and women who have come back wounded,
For all of those who never came back at all.
For viewing others as our enemies,
For making enemies of ourselves.
Spirit of life,
For the memory of all, for our responsibility to all, and for our hope in a better future for all… We consecrate to you our silent tears.