Much has been written about this text… including a little by me. I will simply say this. I found in this text the Jesus (Yeshua) that I had discovered in my undergraduate classes on Christian History… the rebel who sought to turn the society he lived in upside down, and was executed for it. I found in this text the social justice reformer. I found in this text the historical context around his life that is so often forgotten. This is not Jesus the Christ. This is not Jesus the flower loving hippie. This is Jesus the Rebel, and that example is a significant part of what brought me to Unitarian Universalism.
In short, I loved this book… yet I can see why so many others did not. It challenges alot of peoples’ presuppositions, even though it affirmed most of mine…
This website reflects personal views! This is not an official publication of the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army, any government agency, the Joseph Priestley District, the Unitarian Universalist Association, or other organization. Comments are published solely at the discretion of the owner. Also, the ideas here will hopefully change over time, so pay attention to the date stamps!
Much has been written about this text… including a little by me. I will simply say this. I found in this text the Jesus (Yeshua) that I had discovered in my undergraduate classes on Christian History… the rebel who sought to turn the society he lived in upside down, and was executed for it. I found in this text the social justice reformer. I found in this text the historical context around his life that is so often forgotten. This is not Jesus the Christ. This is not Jesus the flower loving hippie. This is Jesus the Rebel, and that example is a significant part of what brought me to Unitarian Universalism.
In short, I loved this book… yet I can see why so many others did not. It challenges alot of peoples’ presuppositions, even though it affirmed most of mine…
Yours in faith,