A good book for lay-leaders, but a bit basic for anyone who has some time in ministry. I did find a few useful tools in this book, but none I have not encountered in other places. It would make a good first-year seminary text book.
We used it as an annual book for our congregational leadership to read, and it gave us some good language to use around the board table.
If you are just beginning to think of congregations and systems, then this is a good book.
This website reflects personal views! This is not an official publication of the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army, any government agency, the Joseph Priestley District, the Unitarian Universalist Association, or other organization. Comments are published solely at the discretion of the owner. Also, the ideas here will hopefully change over time, so pay attention to the date stamps!
A good book for lay-leaders, but a bit basic for anyone who has some time in ministry. I did find a few useful tools in this book, but none I have not encountered in other places. It would make a good first-year seminary text book.
We used it as an annual book for our congregational leadership to read, and it gave us some good language to use around the board table.
If you are just beginning to think of congregations and systems, then this is a good book.
Yours in faith,