I promised myself that I would not move into my “occasional political musings” this election season until after the conventions were over. Well, the speeches in Charlotte and Tampa are done, and now I feel that there are some things that I have to say… President Obama is not a … Read more →
Tag Archives: Election
I’m Sick Unto Death of Hearing about Protecting the Religious Liberty of Military Chaplains
I remember something that my Drill Sergeant said to me, my first day of Basic Training some 20 years ago, when I was an 18 year old private at Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. We were all in one of our first formations, and he asked us if any of us … Read more →
I love politics. I love politics the way other people love football. I watch 24 hour news channels in political seasons the way other people watch ESPN. The minor of my Bachelor’s degree is in Political Science (Major in History), and I would describe my knowledge of practical politics by … Read more →
Then You Win: Institutionalization and the Occupy Wall Street Protests
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had some hesitancy to write about my thoughts on the “Occupy Wall Street” protests, and the reaction to them that is happening in the more conservative ends of our country. The reason for my hesitancy is that this is a place where my theoretical … Read more →
It’s Always an Oligarchy
In the last few months, I have heard the word Oligarchy being bandied around on the edges of American political circles. In the Tea-Party wing, they are using it as a new word for “Hollywood Elite” and “Liberal Media”. On the semi-far left it is being used to refer to … Read more →
A Short “I Told You So”
I wish I could say I did not know this was going to happen. I really wish I had been wrong. I really wish that my theory that the power of Mass Protests to significantly affect political realities is expirational had been proven wrong. I wish that mass protests still had the power … Read more →
The Expiring Cultural Power of Mass Protest Movements
What gives mass protests their power? Is it the will and voice of the people? Is it the power of the ideals that motivate them? Is it the amount to which they adopt civil, peaceful, resistance methods? Is it their hope for the future? Or when they represent a broad … Read more →
Just Go Home
I know, I get in trouble with someone when I delve into pure politics here at Celestial Lands. But I just can’t help myself. I’m not even completely serious about this one, because for the Democratic Leadership in the U.S. Senate and House to do what I am about to … Read more →
Some Political Musings on the Non-engaged Democratic Party
Every once in awhile here at Celestial Lands, I offer some thoughts on politics. Nothing gets me in “trouble” here more than when I offer thoughts on politics. I’m probably on even less firm ground with this one than others, because it is not even really a thought, just a … Read more →
There is Help… There is Hope
“I have found myself unable to sleep, waking up at three o’clock in the morning in a cold sweat, with nightmares of oil platforms and hunting rifles, only to rush to my computer to check Pollster.com” — Anonymous Liberal “My boss is noticing my productivity is down, but I just … Read more →
WAAAASUP! Pop Culture and Political Creativity
In a year of amazing political videos, this one may be the most creative and daring I have seen yet, even more than the “Yes We Can” video. I remember the original commercial, and it was a social commentary of its time. The new version of the commercial is certainly … Read more →
Now I’m Really Concerned
It might come as a surprise to some of you now, or who know me now, but for years I was an avid listener and dare I say fan of right wing talk radio. In my office and workshop I nearly forced my crew to listen to Rush, G Gordon, … Read more →
Yzma – Palin
I wanted to share with you all my wife’s nickname for Governor Palin. Though I put the pictures up here, it is not looks that have inspired this nickname. Rather, it is the character’s “tag-line” that has inspired this “nom de guerre” for my wife, and it makes me laugh … Read more →
I’m Beginning to Become Concerned
Here lies a toppled God. His fall was not a small one. We did but build his pedestal, A Narrow and a Tall one. — Frank Herbert I recently watched the new Music Video by supporters of Barrack Obama, titled “An American Prayer”. Rev. Sean Dennison had commented on his … Read more →
Drill Here, Drill Now… With What?
For many reasons, I am not going to mention my support for any particular candidate in this election, and I am going to stick to discussing issues. Recently, there have been calls in this election to increase the amount of off shore oil drilling, to lessen our dependence on foreign … Read more →
A Vision of Fear or of Hope?
Last night, as I listened to the speech of Barrack Obama acknowledging his clinching the nomination of the Democratic Party for the office of the President of the United States. As a preacher, I am always fascinated by his ability to gather an audience together, and bring them along with … Read more →
The Quayle Theory of Vice-Presidential Selection
The process of selecting Vice-Presidential candidates is one of the most mysterious processes for outsiders to American politics. It is rife with stories of “backroom” deals, exchanges of influence, access to major donors, and seeking someone who balances the appeal of a candidate within their own party. It is often … Read more →
Some Reflections on the Election
As a U.S. Army Officer, I am not going to publically state who it is that I am supporting for President of the United States in the current elections. Those of you who know me off-line probably already know, and those who know a little about me can probably guess. … Read more →