Celestial Lands The Religious Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Theology

On the Way Home

Sitting here in the Ft. Lauderdale Airport, I have found my first reliable and generally useful internet connection of my entire time at General Assembly. It was not a problem I noticed very much, because I was so busy at GA this year it was actually a blessing to not be able to answer email.

I will write about the experience in more detail later, in probably several articles over the next few days… but I wanted to share the experience of sitting here in the airport gate wearing a chalice polo shirt.

As I was looking for hymn numbers on my computer to send to our Pianist for next Sunday (since I now have email), I noticed a DRE friend of mine sitting with his back to me. We began talking about GA and general things UU while working on our computers. A few other UU’s from New England heard us talking and joined in, as they too were waiting on their flight. When I could not find a hymn number, someone pointed out that Jim Scott was across the way, shaking hands with another group of UU’s.
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I don’t know what it is about the solidarity that occurs at GA. There are no signs we usually wear to tell when we are surrounded by brothers and sisters of faith. But for this one moment, in this public place, I had a feeling of what it might be like to live and work and travel surrounded by those who share this faith I love with me.

It was a good feeling.

Yours in Faith,


2 Thoughts on “On the Way Home

  1. I look forward to reading about your thoughts

  2. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about GA, as well. The good, and the not so…

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